Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Webtool - "Wallwisher"

                               Web tools – “Wallwisher”
What is it?
Basically it is just a page with your name and title (question/topic). You also can put up your photo and chose a background for your page. On that wall visitors can post notes, video, links, music etc. Posts can be named or anonymous, also they can be moved around a wall. It is not necessary to be registered at the website to post on walls. To post a note you just have to double-click anywhere on a wall and a special window will appear. It is easy and safe to use.
            Teachers in our school might use Wallwisher for posting a topic or a question to discuss. It is easier to see and read responses on one page online, than collecting lots of paper works. Also it might be used for extra help. Instead of making appointments teachers and students can communicate through the wall, because the notes are posted instantly. Another use for Wallwisher is a diary or to-do list. It is kind of agenda online.

What can you do with it?
  • Announcements;
  • Keeping notes;
  • Communication;
  • Discussions;

  • Can post images, videos, music, pages, links;
  • No registration is necessary for posting;
  • Easy to use;
  • Wall can be totally privet;
  • Safe;

What is it usually used for:
  • To-do lists;
  • Party invitations;
  • Feedback collection;
  • Wishing people on occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries;
  • Anything that might need input from a lot of people;
  • Diary;

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3rd Post

  • Dabbling.
  • Doing old things in old ways.
 Netbooks could be used for essays and other typing works. Instead of typing it at home, library, in class, and than printing it, students can just do all the work on netbooks, and send it by email.
  • Doing old things in new ways.
 For old things in new ways, netbooks might be used to make all the written work visual. For example instead of reading a paragraph, student could just watch an animated explanation of topic.
  • Doing new things in new ways.
 Doing new things in new ways is not happening yet. And considering how fast technology develops in our society it will happen, soon. To do new things in new ways we have to change everything we had before and computerize it. All the assignment, notes, homework, classwork should be done on computers.

4th Post

I. Web Tools
II. in depth Software development
III. Net book cart team

1.) I ranked them this way, because I think I can find a use for Web tool, and Im good at research.
But I dont really know how to set up netbooks so, they are last.
2.) I am good at research, and Im pretty creative, which will help me finding a good use for a webtool.
3.) Setting up netbooks. I dont know how to.

Friday, September 24, 2010

2nd post

The course is alright. I never chose it, but I dont regret that I am in it. I dont really see is its purpose, but im enjoying the absence of tests and homeworks. I like how most of our work is done on computers, so I dont need to bring anything to this class.

1st post

  • 4 - I was the first one to provide needed questions for survey;

  • 4 - Shared my work, participated in surveys;

  • 4 - Made some suggestions that were accepted later and affected our work in a good way;

  • 3 - I was more of a worker, not an organizer;